ATABEC Safety Lock


Pumpjack Lockout Tool

Minimize down time and optimize operational maintenance with Atabec’s Gen II Pumpjack Lock Out Tool, while maximizing safety goals. Counterweights on pumpjacks can weigh up to 10 tons. Their weight combined with momentum and pinch points create extreme danger to employees. Statistics indicate that every year one service employee in the U.S. is killed and dozens more are injured worldwide while conducting pumpjack maintenance. Don’t put your employees at risk - trust the engineered strength of Atabec’s Pumpjack Lock Out Tool.


Engineered for You

From concept design to engineered components, each Atabec Lock Out Tool mounting hardware is built specific to your pump and mated to our common locking assembly with quality control closely monitored through all stages of development, driving maximum value to our customers. Engineered for all sizes of pumpjacks, including the 1824 models, the tool employs a minimum 3:1 safety factor. A simple yet robust design, you can rely on the strength and durability of Atabec to increase productivity, save dollars, and reduce unnecessary injuries in the workplace.


Easy Installation

Our initial site visit consists of a laser scan of your various types of jacks (if we don’t have the drawings currently on file). The scan is then converted into solid works for our engineers to custom fit the mounting plates for our standard lock device for maximum manufacturing efficiency and top value to our clients. All models utilize existing hardware. No cutting, grinding, welding or drilling is required with our simplistic design, minimizing installation time.



Reduces environmental footprint by eliminating the required heavy equipment used to perform maintenance & inspection. With the optional Atabec Brake Cable Seal you can eliminate frozen, corroded & broken brake cables.


Cost Savings

  • Permanently mounted
  • Reduces time required to secure pump jack
  • Eliminates requirement of cranes or pickers
  • Eliminates potential of cracked sheaves on belt pulley from over torqued chain & boomers
  • Service providers can be trained to engage lock, expediting work flow

With our training, Atabec provides even greater cost savings by allowing you to lockout your pumpjack in a variety of positions based on the task required in a matter of minutes.

Lockout Positions

With our training, Atabec provides even greater cost savings by allowing you to lockout your pumpjack in a variety of positions based on the task required in a matter of minutes.

Service rig work

Lock in the 12 o'clock position

Inspections and general maintenance

Lock in the 6 o'clock position

Adjusting the counterweights

Lock in the 3 & 9 o'clock position

Adjusting stroke length

Lock in the 4:30 o'clock position

Horse head install or removal

Lock in any position


Unsurpassed Safety

Our simple to operate hand pump hydraulic lock engages and disengages from OUTSIDE the danger area. With the hydraulic fork engaged, there is zero crank movement - even with NO BRAKE and FULL POWER applied to the unit. 100% non-toxic and environmentally-friendly fluid is utilized in our closed loop system.

  • Isolates & prevents movement of crank arms
  • Eliminates personnel from ever having to enter the swing area
  • Safety lock actuated from outside of weight guards
  • The Atabec Pump Jack Safety Lock has a 3.5 safety factor
  • A secondary lockout on hydraulic valves
  • Horse’s head can be installed with weight’s at 12 o’clock position
  • No crank movement with pump jack safety lock engaged when
  • brake released & power turned on
  • Eliminates chain & boomer on sheave or chain on brake
  • Safety lock released from outside the danger zone
  • Client & personnel confident that threat of danger is eliminated
  • Eliminates usage of the brake pawl (endures damage when over centered from applied force)

Take the Next Step

Don’t put your people or operations at risk any longer. Trust the engineered strength of the Atabec.


Get In Touch

Office: 780-826-4380
24h Dispatch: 780-815-3385